Friday, July 26, 2013

XVII Sunday in OT[C]: Gen18:20-32, Col 2: 12-14, Lk11:1-13

XVII Sunday in OT[C]: Gen18:20-32, Col 2: 12-14, Lk11:1-13

Introduction: The main themes of today’s Scripture readings are the power of intercessory prayer, the ideal prayer, the Our Father, and the necessity for persistence and perseverance in prayer, with trusting faith and boldness. In short, the readings teach us what to pray and how to pray. 

Joke: A businessman who needed millions of dollars to clinch an important deal went to church to pray for the money. By chance he knelt next to a man who was praying for $100 to pay an urgent debt. The businessman took out his wallet and pressed $100 into the other man’s hand. Overjoyed, the man got up and left the church. The businessman then closed his eyes and prayed, “And now, Lord, now that I have your undivided attention….”

Persistent in Prayer:  The thread tying together the Hebrew Testament reading and the Gospel reading is about being fearless in asking God for something.  In the first reading Abraham does not want God to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah. He pleads for these cities by talking directly to God and asking God to change his plans.  But he doesn’t just ask, he is persistent in asking, pushing for more and more mercy each time. It reminds me of a little child who keeps asking and asking until he breaks his parents down and gets what he wants.

The sin of Sodom and Gomorrah is the sin of being inhospitable.  You may remember from past weeks that hospitality was one of the primary virtues of the Mediterranean person for many reasons.  Travel was difficult and could not be undertaken without a system of hospitality.  It was expected, and people were seen as virtuous who were hospitable. God sent two visitors to test the hospitality of the people, but only one person in the town was hospitable. So in the end, God saved the one person but destroyed the cities. Despite Abraham’s constant nagging and lowering the number of good people he must find to allow the cities to be saved, he was unable to find even ten hospitable people there. But, God kept listening to Abraham, and Abraham did manage to get it down from forty-five to ten.

Similarly in the Gospel, Jesus tells a story about a man who wants to be hospitable and is asking his neighbor to lend him some food to give his guests.  When he doesn’t get the response he wants from his neighbor, he asks again and again until he breaks the neighbor down and he does get what he wants. Jesus praises the man for his persistence in asking. The major lesson here then is to have persistence in asking God for what you want.  Jesus comfortingly tells us that if you ask it will be given to you because God is a loving parent, and like any parent, loves his or her child and listens to the needs of that child. Even parents with bad parenting skills do that, Jesus says.

Life Messages: 1) Be persistent in asking to God: Here is St. John Marie Vianney’s advice to a couple:  "Spend three minutes praising and thanking God for all you have. Spend three minutes asking God’s pardon for your sins and presenting your needs before Him. Spend three minutes reading the Bible and listening to God in silence. And do this every day."
2) Be hospitable to people who are in need. We should not wait for someone to compel us to be hospitable.  Neighbor means those who is in need. So try to be hospitable as Good Samaritan.

Introduction: XVII (Seventeenth) Sunday in Ordinary Time
Message: In bargaining with God, Abraham demonstrates a real persistence in prayer.  Jesus invites us to persist in prayer as well, to “ask…. seek…. knock”.  May our prayer open us to God’s will, and so build up his strength within us.  In baptism we have died with Christ, and have been raised to life with him.
Saints and Events in this week: 29(Twenty-ninth) Monday-Saint Martha; 30(Thirtieth) Tuesday-Saint Peter Chrysologus, bishop, doctor of the church; 31(Thirty-first) Wednesday-Saint Ignatius of Loyola, priest; August 1(First) Thursday-Saint Alphonsus Liguori, bishop, doctor of the church; 2(Second) Friday-Saint Eusebius of Vercelli, bishop; Saint Peter Julian Eymard, priest;

Friday, July 19, 2013

XVI Sunday in OT[C]:Gen18:1-10a;Col1:24-28;Lk10:38-42

XVI Sunday in OT[C]:Gen18:1-10a;Col1:24-28;Lk10:38-42

Introduction: The first and last readings today are very interesting when read together.  They have so much in common.  Of utmost importance is the fact that they both revolve around hospitality and welcoming Christ as our guest and friend.  What strikes me right away is that the first reading is about the extraordinary hospitality Abraham offered to his guests, for which he was rewarded with the promise of an heir. Not a bad reward, especially in Jewish eyes! In the Gospel reading, however, Martha, who also offered considerable hospitality to Jesus, is dressed down by Jesus, for doing too much and worrying about all she needed to do in order to make Jesus comfortable.
Interpretations: There have been many interpretations of this story of Mary and Martha over the years. It is obviously a story about contrasts between the doer and the listener. In the history of the church is has been interpreted sometimes that the contemplative life is superior to the active life. Martin Luther used this happening to prove that there was justification by faith rather than by works.  Some theologians have seen it as the difference between Judaism and Christianity – Judaism which stresses the active hospitality and Christianity which has often stressed the spiritual life. Feminists today often look at this story and see that Jesus was going against the work of women of his day, and encouraging them to a life of prayer and study.

Exegesis: In the first reading, Abraham saw his opportunity to have God under his roof and he did not let it pass him by. He insisted thus: “…if I find favour with you, kindly do not pass your servant by…that is why you have come to your servant’s direction.” His hospitality transcended mortals and extended to immortals. Not only did he welcome them under his roof, he equally paid attention to what they have to say to him, gave them a good share of his time, and attended to almost all their basic needs. Of course, he won their friendship instantly and this friendship brought blessings upon his household. Paul succinctly tells us that the “Mystery that God revealed to the world is Christ himself among us.” This Mystery of course is equally our guest and friend, and also our hope of glory. In other words, He comes to us as one friend visits the other. Welcoming this Mystery which is Christ as our guest and friend is a pre-requisite for establishing a long standing relationship with God.

The gospel of today presents us with a terrain that must be walked with caution, least we fall victims of the error of thinking that Jesus is against one carrying out necessary house-hold chores or attending to our material needs. Far be it from this! As we grow in life our priorities change, and it is actually supposed to become less mundane. Of greater importance is the fact that generally speaking there should be a paradigm shift in our priorities as maturity sets in. Therefore, Jesus’s address to Martha: “you are anxious and worried about many things.  There is need of only one thing”, is well founded and goes to all of us too who in one way or the other are so distracted by the pursuit of mundane things over and above spiritual ones. It goes to all of us who have misplaced our priorities in life as Christians and in the house of God. It is not an excuse for us not to be hospitable to strangers, our guests and friends. Rather, it is a radical call to each and every one of us to set our priorities right. Jesus perhaps feels that it was not enough for Martha to welcome him to her house, but that she should also pay attention to what he has to say first and then go ahead to take care of material things later. Both the spiritual and temporal are good, but they are when attended to in their right order. Hence Jesus says: “It is Mary who has chosen the better part…” Jesus wanted her as he wants us today to set her priorities right by doing the first and most important things first.

Joke: A person had been confined to a mental institute. After years of treatment it was decided that he was well enough to be discharged. So the psychiatrist approached his patient to congratulate him. "I have good news for you. The board has examined your case and they have decided that you are completely cured. You can go home." Seeing the resentful look on the face of the patient, the doctor said: "Why are you reacting in this way? Aren't you happy now that you are cured?" And the man ranted back, "I am cured, but I am not going home! When I came here I was Pope John Paul II. I was busy like Martha in the Bible story, blessing people, writing encyclicals and giving daily papal audience to all the inmates and visitors of this house. But I will be nobody at home!"

Practical applications: 1) Give priority to spiritual energy: We should put aside the work we do for the Lord in serving others and just spend some time being with Him, talking to Him and listening to Him, fully aware of His holy presence in our souls. We may also recharge our spiritual energy by means of our personal and family prayers, our meditative reading of the Bible and our participation in the celebration of the Holy Mass. 2) We need listening Marthas and serving Marys: Martha has become a symbol of action-oriented, responsible people who get the job done. Our world and our parish churches need such dynamic and generous men, women, boys and girls. We need them for different services.  And also we need to train them to listen to God first. 3)  We need to be good listeners like Mary at home and in the workplace. Active and busy as we are, we have to find time every day to listen to God, to our spouse, kids and neighbors. Listening and quiet caring are essential for the success of married life, of family life and of the rearing of children with love, affection and a sense of discipline. Human love begins at home, and it begins with listening.

Introduction: Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Message: Abraham, the just and upright man, graciously hosts three visitors.  As Mary and Martha host Jesus, he speaks of only one thing as necessary for us who follow him; being open to receive the message and person of Jesus, and being receptive to “the mystery of Christ” as he comes to us through one another.

Saints and Events in this Week: 22-Monday-Saint Mary Magdalene; 23-Tuesday- Saint Bridget, religious; 24-Wednesday-Saint Sharbel Makhlaf, priest; 25-Thursday-Saint James, Apostle; 27-Friday-Saints Joachim and Anne, parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Friday, July 12, 2013

XV Sunday in OT: [C]; Deut30:10-14;Col1:15-20;Lk10:25-37

XV Sunday in OT: [C]; Deut30:10-14;Col1:15-20;Lk10:25-37
Introduction: The lawyer, a Scribe, in today's gospel is not to be confused with the lawyers of our day. He was a student of the Torah--a word which is more properly translated as "instruction" or "revelation." Today, he would be called a theologian. And he asks the question that is primary in the mind of every theologian, namely, how do we human beings achieve the fulfillment intended by our creator? Jesus gives the classic answer from Deuteronomy: 6:5 (love of God) and Leviticus: 19:18 (love of neighbor). Everything else is secondary.

Exegesis: However, to the scribe, the word “neighbor” meant another Scribe or Pharisee – never a Samaritan or a Gentile. Hence, the Scribe insisted on a clarification of the word “neighbor.” So Jesus told him the parable of the Good Samaritan. The parable clearly indicates that a “neighbor” is anyone who needs help. Thus, the correct approach is not to ask the question “Who is my neighbor?” but rather to ask, “Am I a good neighbor to others?”

The Golden Rule, “Love your neighbor as yourself” (Luke 10:27) which we hear in today’s gospel is not just a Christian thing. Every conceivable religion and culture in the world has the Golden Rule in one form or another. Here is a sampling:  Judaism: “What is hateful to you, do not to your fellow man. That is the law: all the rest is commentary.”  Islam: “No one of you is a believer until he desires for his brother that which he desires for himself.”   Hinduism: “This is the sum of duty: do naught unto others which would cause you pain if done to you.”   Buddhism: “Hurt not others in ways that you yourself would find hurtful.”   Confucianism: “Do not unto others what you would not have them do unto you.”     Though this golden rule was popular, Jesus brought a completely new understanding to the commandment.

Jesus moves quickly then to illustrate the practical implications of these commands in the story of the Good Samaritan. The contrast drawn is dramatic: the priest and Levite belong to the class of professional men of religion whereas the Samaritan is a member of that generally despised and uneducated group of Jews who were left in Palestine during the Exile and whose religious "purity" was highly suspect.

According to the Jesus' story, however, it is this religious outcast who has understood the real meaning of the Torah while the professional practitioners of religion seem concerned only about the external, ritual elements of Judaism. As in the case of the Publican and the Pharisee, Jesus is not suggesting that one should become a Publican or a Samaritan. Rather, he insists that we should be authentic persons who know how to observe the spirit of our religion and not just its externals.

Joke:  A little boy returned home from Sunday School, and his mother asked him what lesson the teacher taught. He said, "It was about two preachers who saw a man in a ditch, but they didn't stop because he had already been robbed."

Life messages: 1) Know the spirit of showing mercy towards others.  And exercise it without conditions or motives. Check ourselves and see if we are good neighbors. 2) We may find our spouse, children or parents lying “wounded” by bitter words or scathing criticism or by other more blatant forms of verbal, emotional or physical abuse. Hence, Jesus invites us to show our love to others, in our own home, in school, in the work place, and in the neighborhood, as the Good Samaritan did. 3) Let us accept the invitation to be loving and merciful to our enemies.   This means people we hate, as well as those who hate us.  It is an invitation for people of all times to love their enemies--to love those they have previously hated.
Introduction: Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Message: The great commandment of love is not something “mysterious” or “remote.”  Indeed, it is “very near” to us.  Yet how difficult it is to fulfill, being neighbor to whomever is in need.  But if we seek God, we must “go and do the same”, for we have been created in, for, and through Christ.

Saints and events in this week: 15-Monday-Saint Bonaventure, bishop, doctor of the church; 16-Tuesday- Our Lady of Mount Carmel; 18-Thursday-Saint Camillus de Lellis, priest, from USA ; 20-Saturday-Saint Apollinaris, bishop, martyr.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

XIV Sunday in OT:[C]: Is 66:10-14; Gal 6:14-18; Lk 10:1-12, 17-20

XIV Sunday in OT:[C]: Is 66:10-14; Gal 6:14-18; Lk 10:1-12, 17-20
Exegesis:  Luke’s Gospel has two stories of Jesus sending out his followers to go and spread the Good News. In chapter 9 Jesus sends the Twelve apostles and in chapter 10 he sends seventy-two disciples. Matthew’s Gospel has only one: the sending of the Twelve. Scholars believe that Luke’s story of the sending out of the Seventy-two is his way of emphasizing the universal scope of the message of Christ. The mission of the Twelve, according to Matthew, was limited to “the lost sheep of the house of Israel” (Matthew 10:6). The mission of the Seventy-two has no such limitation. According to Jewish tradition there are twelve tribes of Israel and seventy-two nations of the earth. The sending of the seventy-two disciples, therefore, symbolises the sending of the message of Christ to the whole world.
Event: A preacher was speaking at an open-air crusade in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Billy Graham was to speak the following night. But he arrived a day early. He came unannounced and sat on the grass with the crowd. In front of him sat an elderly gentleman who seemed to be listening attentively to the preaching. When the call came for people to come forward and make a commitment to the Lord, the gentleman did not move. Dr Graham tapped the man on the shoulder and asked, “Would you like to accept Christ? I’ll be glad to walk down with you if you want to.” The old man looked him up and down, shook his head and said, “No, I think I’ll just wait till the big gun shows up tomorrow night.” In the thinking of this man and in the thinking of many people, winning souls for Christ is something that should be reserved for the “big guns.” Today’s gospel story, however, shows us that mission is for everyone, big guns and little shots alike, the clergy as well as the laity.
Christian tradition identifies the Twelve apostles with ordained ministry in the church. When at the Last Supper Jesus commissioned his followers to “do this in memory of me” he was addressing the Twelve, the clergy. If this is so, then the Seventy-two who are sent out on mission in today’s gospel must be understood as lay people. Today’s gospel, therefore, is the commissioning of lay ministry. This way we can read the two missions in the Gospel of Luke, the mission of the Twelve and the mission of the Seventy-two, as the mission of the clergy and the mission of the laity. By including the two accounts Luke, unlike Matthew, is saying, therefore, that mission is not only for the clergy, mission is not only for the “big guns,” mission is for us all, ordained and non-ordained followers of Christ alike.
What is the reason for lay involvement in the spreading of the gospel?  The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few.” (Luke 10:2). This is as true today as it was in the days of Jesus. What roles are the laity supposed to play in fulfilling the mission of Christ? The role of the laity is twofold: “Therefore ask the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest” (verse 2), i.e. prayer, and “Go on your way. See, I am sending you” (verse 3), i.e. active involvement. It is not a question of doing either the one or the other. Every Christian is called to participate in the spreading of the message of Christ through a commitment to prayer and a commitment to action. Pray as if everything depends on God, work as if everything depends on you. Jesus goes on to detail the disposition we should bring to the work of evangelization: a spirit of meekness and vulnerability, a spirit of politeness and adaptability to the changing and challenging local situations in which we find ourselves in the course of mission work.
Joke:  A man who is said to be Christian, full of tattoos, seemed to be good looking but without prayer and charity, died and reached at the pearly gate.  St. Peter at the pearly gate got confused of his situation went and asked God, what to do. Let him in or not. God said we are always forgiving. Let him in. When St. Peter reached back to let him in, he could not see the man and even the pearly gate. Oh God, he has stolen the gate.
Life Messages: 1) We need to continue the preaching mission: Just as Jesus, in today’s gospel, gave instructions to the seventy-two missionaries, he also gives each one of us a mission to carry out. As faithful Christians, we should attract others to our faith by prayer and leading exemplary lives. 
2)  We need to avoid giving the counter-witness of practicing the “supermarket Catholicism” of our politicians who publicly proclaim their “Catholicism” and yet support abortion, gay marriage, human cloning and experimentation with human embryos. Nor should we be “armchair Catholics,” “cafeteria Catholics” or “Sunday Catholics” who bear counter-witness to Christ through our lives.  
3) Let us start preaching the gospel in our families by leading exemplary Christian lives, and family prayer.

Introduction: Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Message: Let us boast of nothing but the cross of Christ.  Through it his grace and power are made known to his servants.  Tremendous deeds shall be performed in his name: the reign of God is proclaimed, peace is given as gift, and the forces of sin are overcome.
Saints and Events in this week:  9-Tuesday-Saint Augustine Zhao Rong, priest, and companions, martyrs; 11-Thursday-Saint Benedict, abbot; 13-Saturday-Saint Henry