V Sunday in OT.: (C) Is 6: 1-2a, 3-8; ICor 15: 1-11; Lk 5:1-11
The scene is set. Isaiah remembers exactly when it was–the year that King Uzziah died. He remembers what he saw: God on a throne seated in the Temple . He has royal robes on. The train of his garment is so large that it filled the Temple . There were angels there. Seraphim called out, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts. The heaven is filled with his Glory.” They were so loud that the walls shook, the massive metal door of the Temple shook. And the smoke from the incense. The smoke filled the House of God.
And then the questions from God Himself. “Whom shall we send? Who will go for us?”
“Here I am,” Isaiah says, “Here I am. Send me.”
“Here we are,” we call. “Send us.” And through the grace of our Baptism brought to completion by our confirmation, we have been sent out by God Himself. Whatever it is that we do, we are to do it in the service of God.
What does this mean? What does it mean to say that we are called to serve God in every way possible. Well, some of you are married, others are hoping some day to marry. Here’s what serving God means: it means that it is not good enough just to be husbands. You must be the best husband possible, emptying yourself for your wife, serving God by serving your wife. Put her first. Women should always come first. They are God’s gift to men. They are the sacred vessels of life. Love her, and love God by loving her. For you girls, you women, don’t just be wives. Be the best wife the world has ever seen. Give yourself not just to your husband, but to your God. Serve God by serving your husband.
Some of you are parents, or are hoping some day to become parents. It is not enough to give birth, and to sustain the life of a child. You have been called to serve God through your children. Be the best parent possible. Give your life for your children. And in this way serve God who created your children with you and your spouse, endowing them the unique reflection of his love.
We are called to serve the King of Kings. We don’t just perform a job. We are called to serve the Lord. If we are priests, we must be the best priests possible, using our particular gifts for Him. If we are auto mechanics, we must be the best mechanic possible serving God by taking caring of people’s cars, keeping them safe. Some of you are doctors, and lawyers, and nurses and school teachers, etc. We don’t just need doctors and nurses and school teachers, and lawyers and accountants, etc, etc. We need the best doctors and nurses and school teachers and so forth. Whatever we do in life, we must do it the best possible way because we are doing it in service to the Lord.
Right now many here are students. You must be the best student you can be, developing your own talents. Your teachers are telling you that you have to work hard to succeed in the world. I am telling you that this is only a part of the story. You must work hard, not just to succeed in the world, but to serve the Lord.
Joke: In a certain church there was a man in the choir who couldn't sing very well. The choir director suggested that he should leave the choir. Others felt he should be given more time to improve. The choir director then decided to go to the pastor and complain. "You've got to get that man out of the choir or else I'm going to resign." So the pastor went to the man and said to him, "Perhaps you should leave the choir." "Why should I leave the choir?" the man asked. "Well," said the pastor, "four or five people have told me you can't sing." "That's nothing," the man replied, "forty or fifty people have told me you can't preach!" Today's readings show us how God can make use of the most unlikely people to fulfill the divine purpose.
We only have one shot at life. We only get one life. We need to make the very best of our lives. We need to serve God in every aspect of our lives. Some of you might be asking yourselves, as I often ask myself, “Am I good enough?” All three readings this week answer that question. Isaiah was not good enough at first. Then an angel touched Isaiah’s mouth with the ember/spark from the fire. He was made clean. In the second reading Paul reminds us that he started off by persecuting Christians. He was mean. He would round up men, women and children and bring them to the Jewish authorities in
We are called, we are sent, to lead people to meaning, to lead people to God. Whatever it is that we do in life, from something as major as marriage and parenting, to something as minor as finishing a school worksheet, we do it in service to God. Every action of our lives has purpose not just for ourselves but as beacons of hope for those who are seeking the Lord. We are the light that is meant to be set on hilltops so all can see. We are the Light of the World. We pray today for the courage to respond to the Lord’s summons with every action of our lives.
Introduction: V Sunday in Ordinary time
Message: Isaiah, a man of unclean lips, beholds the Lord’s glory in the temple and is sent on mission. Simon, a sinner, responds to the mission of Jesus by becoming a disciple. Paul, the persecutor, speaks of his call to preach nothing but Christ crucified and risen.
Saints and events in this week: 10-Sunday-World Marriage Day; 11-Monday-Our Lady of Lourdes ; 13-Wednesday-ASH Wednesday-Lent begins-Day of fasting and abstinence; 14-Thursday-Saints Cyril, monk, and Methodius, bishops. 15-Friday-St.Johns:5:05pm.Mass+Stations+Soup Supper; Ashland :7:15pm.Stations.
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